Показания к применению
лечение инфекции, вызванной ВИЧ-1, в качестве терапии первой линии у взрослых пациентов, имеющих показатели РНК ВИЧ-1 в пределах не более 100 000 копий/мл
Действующее вещество:
Описание препарата на английском
EVIPLERA, a combination of two nucleoside analog HIV 1 reverse transcriptase inhibitors (emtricitabine and tenofovir disoproxil fumarate) and one non-nucleoside reverse transcriptase inhibitor (rilpivirine), is indicated for use as a complete regimen for the treatment of HIV-1 infection in adult patients with no antiretroviral treatment history and with HIV-1 RNA less than or equal to 100,000 copies/mL at the start of therapy, and in certain virologically-suppressed (HIV-1 RNA <50 copies/mL) adult patients on a stable antiretroviral regimen at start of therapy in order to replace their current antiretroviral treatment regimen (see below).The following points should be considered when initiating therapy with EVIPLERA in adult patients with no antiretroviral treatment history: • More rilpivirine-treated subjects with HIV-1 RNA greater than 100,000 copies/mL at the start of therapy experienced virologic failure (HIV-1 RNA ?50 copies/mL) compared to rilpivirine-treated subjects with HIV-1 RNA less than or equal to 100,000 copies/mL [See Clinical Studies (14)]. • Regardless of HIV-1 RNA level at the start of therapy, more rilpivirine-treated subjects with CD4+ cell count less than 200 cells/mm3 experienced virologic failure compared to rilpivirine-treated subjects with CD4+ cell count greater than or equal to 200 cells/mm3 [See Clinical Studies (14)]. • The observed virologic failure rate in rilpivirine-treated subjects conferred a higher rate of overall treatment resistance and cross-resistance to the NNRTI class compared to efavirenz [See Microbiology (12.4)]• More subjects treated with rilpivirine developed tenofovir and lamivudine/emtricitabine associated resistance compared to efavirenz [See Microbiology (12.4)].
Характеристики | |
По рецепту | по рецепту |
Срок годности | 36 мес. |
Форма употребления | FILM COATED TABLETS |
Ссылка на сайт МинЗдрава Израиля: http://www.old.health.gov.il/units/pharmacy/trufot/PerutTrufa.asp?Reg_Number=149 30 33766 02&safa=e
Эмтрицитабин, Эмтритаб, Эвиплера, Тенофовир + Эмтрицитабин, Трувада