Показания к применению
Профилактика и лечение реакции отторжения аллотрансплантата печени, почек и сердца, в т.ч. резистентной к стандартным режимам иммуносупрессивной терапии.
Действующее вещество:
Описание препарата на английском
-Treatment of moderate to severe atopic dermatitis in adults who are not adequately responsive to or are intolerant of conventional therapies.-Treatment of moderate to severe atopic dermatitis in children (2 years of age and above) who are not adequately responsive to or are intolerant of conventional therapies.-Maintenance treatment of moderate to severe atopic dermatitis for the prevention of flares and the prolongation of flare-free intervals in patients experiencing a high frequency of disease exacerbations (i.e. occurring 4 or more times per year) who have had an initial response to a maximum of 6 weeks treatment of twice daily tacrolimus ointment (lesions cleared, almost cleared or mildly affected).
Характеристики | |
По рецепту | по рецепту |
Срок годности | 36 мес. |
Форма употребления | OINTMENT |
Ссылка на сайт МинЗдрава Израиля: http://www.old.health.gov.il/units/pharmacy/trufot/PerutTrufa.asp?Reg_Number=127 71 30667 00&safa=e
Адваграф, Програф, Протопик