Показания к применению

Хронический гепатит В. Лечение больных хроническим гепатитом В в возрасте от 18 лет при отсутствии декомпенсации заболевания печени. Хронический гепатит С.Лечение больных хроническим гепатитом С в возрасте от 18 лет при отсутствии декомпенсации заболевания печени, включая больных с клинически стабильной ВИЧ-инфекцией (коинфекцией).

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Описание препарата на английском

Peg- Intron is indicated for the treatment of adult patients with histologically proven chronic hepatitis C who have elevated transaminases without liver decompensation and who are positive for serum HCV-RNA or anti-HCV including naive patients with clinically stable HIV coinfection. The best way to use Peg- Intron in this indication is in combination with ribavirin. This combination is indicated in naive patients including patients with clinically stable HIV co-infection and in patients who have failed previous treatment with interferon alpha (pegylated or nonpegylated ) and ribavirin combination therapy or interferon alpha monotherapy. Interferon monotherapy including Peg-Intron is indicated mainly in case of intolerance or contraindication to ribavirin. Please refer also to the ribavirin physician's insert when Pegintron is to be used in combination with ribavirin.TritherapyPegIntron in combination with ribavirin and boceprevir (tritherapy) is indicated for the treatment of chronic hepatitis C (CHC) genotype 1 infection in adult patients (18 years of age and older) with compensated liver disease who are previously untreated or who have failed previous therapy.Please refer to the ribavirin and boceprevir Physician's Insert when PegIntron is to be used in combination with these medicines.Bitherapy and monotherapyPegIntron is indicated for the treatment of adult patients (18 years of age and older) with chronic hepatitis C (CHC) who have elevated transaminases without liver decompensation and who are positive for serum hepatitis C virus RNA (HCV-RNA) or anti-HCV, including na?ve patients with clinically stable HIV co-infection. PegIntron in combination with ribavirin (bitherapy) is indicated for the treatment of chronic hepatitis C (CHC) infection in patients who are previously untreated including patients with clinically stable HIV co-infection and in patients who have failed previous treatment with interferon alpha (pegylated or nonpegylated) and ribavirin combination therapy or interferon alpha monotherapy.Interferon monotherapy, including PegIntron, is indicated mainly in case of intolerance or contraindication to ribavirin.Please refer to the ribavirin Physician's Insert when PegIntron is to be used in combination with ribavirin.

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